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11 Things to Look Forward to When You Finally Leave Your Bad-Fit Career

Updated: Jan 26, 2023

We're not gonna lie: leaving a bad-fit career is hard.

It's scary and uncomfortable, and it can take years or even decades to get your head around the idea that the job you've been doing since you were fresh out of college just isn't right for you. But once you do? The world is your oyster!

So, if you're feeling nervous about the unknown, here are 10 things to look forward to when you leave your bad-fit career:

1. Freedom

Freedom is a feeling that comes with more than just quitting your job.

It’s about doing what you want, when you want, and be who you are without worrying about anything else.

When you're feeling stuck, freedom might sound like a pipe dream. But with some planning and foresight, it's possible for anyone to leave a bad-fit career in pursuit of something better:

  • Freedom from having to go into work every day at 9am sharp because there are deadlines to meet or meetings to attend or people who need things by 5pm or else.

  • Freedom from spending half an hour traveling each way on public transport or sitting in traffic jams while surrounded by strangers who do not know what they're doing with their lives.

  • Freedom from having ten different bosses telling you how things need to be done — all while disagreeing with each other's direction.

2. Exercising Independence

Independence is a feeling of being in control of your own life.

It’s knowing that you can make decisions, and that those decisions are important to you. It’s having the ability to make choices based on what’s best for your future—and not someone else's idea of what should be good for you at any given moment. It's knowing that when things aren't going well for you financially or career-wise, it doesn't mean there's something wrong with you. Instead, it means there are still so many possibilities left open.

When we work in the wrong job or career, we lose sight of how much power we have as individuals — especially if people we dislike are in charge of our paycheck. And, while some people naturally seek out positions where they're told what to do all day long, others prefer working independently so they can decide what work needs doing and how best to complete their tasks accordingly without having someone else constantly breathing down their necks about deadlines and "results metrics."

3. Finding Meaning and Purpose in Your Work

You will be working on something that you are passionate about. You will be working on something that you believe in and can get behind because it's important work. You will be working on something that challenges you, whether it’s intellectually, emotionally — even spiritually.

Either way, being challenged is good for your brain! Remember: taking pride in what we do is a fundamental human need — and when our work fulfills those needs (and makes us feel good) then why wouldn’t we want to keep doing it?

4. Choosing Who You Work With

There's nothing more thrilling than finding the people who bring out the best in you. The ones who are as excited about your work as you are, and who love to do it together.

When you're not saddled with corporate deadweight, you get to find these kinds of people. People who enrich your values, your ideals and your talents, who make you feel supported and encouraged every day, who never let you get away with settling for less than what you deserve.

And then when they come up with a great idea? You can't help but want to jump up and down and high-five them!

5. Controlling Your Calendar

Control of your calendar is vastly underrated. Imagine waking up each morning knowing exactly what needs to be done—and also knowing exactly which hours are dedicated to which tasks. Imagine being able to plan out your day instead of letting other people's demands dictate how things go.

When you have control over your own calendar, you can also make sure that the right thinking is happening at the right time. For example, if you want to solve a problem or come up with an idea, schedule creative tasks when your brain is typically the most creative. If you need a break from all that creativity, you can schedule strategic tasks when it's best for planning out long-term strategies (when you're feeling more visionary).

6. Creating Your Schedule

When you have a typical job, the company dictates your schedule. You hit the clock at 9 AM and stay at work until 5 PM, no matter what. When it's time to leave, you go home and try to relax as much as possible before your next shift begins.

But with career independence, you get to choose how much money you want to make each month (and by extension how many jobs). You can even set up multiple income streams from different sources. This gives a lot more control over what kind of schedule works best for you.

7. No More Commuting to the Office

You will no longer have to commute to the office. This is one of the most obvious and immediate benefits of leaving a traditional job. You can finally stop spending so much time stuck in traffic or on public transportation, not to mention the time you take getting ready in the morning!

8. A Lifestyle that Fits

If you're working in a job that isn't right for you, it's probably not just making you miserable—it's also trapping you in a lifestyle that doesn't fit your personality or interests. You might put up with the long hours and high stress because the money is good, but if it isn't worth it to you, then what's the point?

The good news is that by finding a job that fits who you really are, you'll also be able to pursue a lifestyle that makes sense for your personality and interests. You'll be able to spend more time with people who make you happy and less time at work. You'll feel more fulfilled by what you're doing every day. And in the end, you control your income instead of your income controlling you.

9. Taking Breaks That Suit You, Not the Company

When you're in a job that's not right for you, other people dictate many aspects of your life. Your schedule, your workload, and even the time you have to eat lunch can feel like they're out of your control. If this sounds familiar, there's good news: when you leave your job for something better (and possibly more flexible) than what's currently available at work, all these things become yours again! You can choose when it's time for a break (or ten), and no one else will stop you from taking an hour every day to do whatever makes sense for your health and well-being at that moment. It might take some getting used to after spending years with a schedule that was determined by someone else—but once it sinks in, it's glorious.

10. Less Drama at Work

There are many benefits to having less drama at work. It makes your life easier, your mood better, and your productivity higher. Here's why:

Less Drama = Less Stress

Stress is one of the most common causes of illness and burnout. When you're stressed out, it's hard to focus on anything else. That means you're more likely to make mistakes or get distracted—and that's not good for anyone!

Less Drama = Better Mood

Everyone has bad days at work sometimes. But when there's a lot of drama going on around you, it can be hard to see the good in anything. If you're surrounded by negativity all day long, it can bring down your mood—and that means less productivity for everyone else around you too!

11. Confidence

When we hold a steady job for many years, we often forget how much we can get done without relying on someone else's approval. We get comfortable in our role, and we forget that there are so many other things out there to explore.

When you step away from a bad-fit career, you get to rethink and reinvent how you make a living. You can even reinvent yourself as a person who has greater freedom and flexibility than ever before!

When you leave a bad job, you open up the possibility of leaving behind all kinds of things that may have been holding you back: stagnant thinking, old ideas about yourself and your work ethic, outdated or unhealthy relationships with colleagues or managers…the list goes on. You can start over with a clean slate, learn new skills, find better jobs—and let go of the past.

So, Now What?

Whether it's because the job is too stressful, or you don't like the people you work with, or the work itself is boring—whatever it is, you can't go on forever feeling unhappy and unfulfilled.

The good news is that when you move past this long season, there are many things that will not only be better for your health — but your mind and your spirit.

There's a better life waiting for you—and it all starts with clarity.

Join our Waitlist and begin moving from feeling trapped — to living and working on your own terms.

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