It's official: you're not crazy.
You know what we're talking about. That nagging feeling that something is just way off in your career.
Like there's a whole other world out there that you should be living in.
And, even if you could put it into words, no one else around you would understand.
Stop feeling like the weirdo.
There are other high-performing professionals who feel the same as you do: trapped in a career they hate and unable to leave because it's what "makes sense."
It's official: you're not crazy.
You know what we're talking about. That nagging feeling that something is just way off in your career.
Like there's a whole other world out there that you should be living in.
And, even if you could put it into words, no one else around you would understand.
Stop feeling like the weirdo.
There are other high-performing professionals who feel the same as you do: trapped in a career they hate and unable to leave because it's what "makes sense."
Course and Community Seats Still Available
Ready to rethink and
reinvent how you make a living?
Join the community of professionals who are done being trapped by their jobs and are ready to move on to their
calling and their purpose.
Already a Member? Sign In
The Community that "Gets it."
Join the community of professionals who are ready for a serious change — ready to live a life that isn’t ruled by their jobs.
Our platform is off social. No lurkers. No ads. No distractions. No algorithms. Best of all, no judgment. Just unrelenting support in breaking free from living someone else's life and finding your own.
Learn more about
Career Transformation Course
Every membership includes ongoing access to Unleash U. - a comprehensive program where you'll transform into career freedom — one step at a time.
Work at your own pace, repeat as often as you'd like and join live sessions to collaborate, gain support and continue your momentum towards freedom.
Learn more about
Monthly Bonus Modules and Live Events
Living a life that's unleashed is only good if you stay there. Our monthly modules and live events include topics such as:
Embracing Imperfection
What's Your Venn? (Unique Blend)
Sticking to Your Goals (WOOP!)
Spiritual Gifting
Reframing Your Fears
What Makes You Tick
Live Prayer Sessions
Featured professionals already "off the leash"
Your Values: When You’re Living in Them, When You’re Living Against Them
Life Gaps and Goals Accountability Calls
From Detox to Discernment
Barbara J.
A Life Unleashed (ALU) has reignited my belief in the values that I hold dear. I had almost given up — and thought that a career that aligned with my skills, gifts, and priorities was too much of a fairy tale. The conversations within ALU helped me see the possibilities in a different light and gave me the confidence to not sell myself short. Ultimately, I found the confidence to finally go after the job I really wanted — and land it! Stay the course, my friends!  As an impatient person who likes everything to happen all at once, I am now a believer that small incremental changes really do make all the difference.
Alyson N.
I have done some crazy things (the good kind of crazy) that I never thought I would have the confidence to do since joining A Life Unleashed. I’ve realized my values, come face to face with the decision to reprioritize things in my life, found an advocate in myself, and have been able to set boundaries that I never in a million years would have considered before. To anyone considering joining, if you are at a point where you are ready to commit to drafting your own set of terms and conditions for your career I could not think of a better place to start!